Brian Fitzgerald
- Junior at Governor French Academy
- Self taught in programming (see below)
- Allsup High School Entrepreneur Academy alum
- Treasurer for three consecutive terms on the Governor French Student Body Council
- Self taught in C++, Javascript and C.
- First place in Computer Science, Illinois Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Competition (WYSE) Regionals 2014
- Second Place at the Illinois State Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.
- Finalist at the 2014 Junior Science and Humanities Symposium event in Washington, D.C.
- Best of Fair, Illinois Junior Academy of Science Regional Science Fair 2014
- Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award
- Best Technology Project Award
- Finalist at the International Science and Engineering Fair 2014 (ISEF) - Los Angeles
- First place team, regional and sectional competition at Illinois Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Competition 2014
- Best of Fair, Governor French Science Fair 2014
- Finalist, Illinois American Legion Oratorical Competition 2013
- Lead programmer on first place Botball team, Botball Regional Championships
- Teacher and curriculum manager of a computer science course at the Governor French Academy (August 2013-Present)
- This involves daily leadership and education responsibilities for approximately sixty kids, grades 3 through 8.
- My co-teacher and I also wrote and produced a curriculum designed to facilitate analytical and systematic thinking, while covering fundamentals of computer science.
- Research and development work on a platform for curriculum generation that involves generation of a curriculum, organizing prerequisites for a subject and developing a study plan for the subject. This project is still in heavy research and development.
- Volunteers time and expertise to the #Node.js and #meteor IRC communities on freenode
- Volunteered tutoring services in programming, 3D modeling and networking to various students
Proficient means I’ve been using the technology daily for a number of years and am confident I can learn new concepts in them in a short amount of time.
Knowledgeable means I’ve worked with the technology for several projects but mostly use it on projects where it’s applicable or required.
Experience means I have developed with these technologies in the past but do not use them often enough to warrant a statement of proficiency.
- Proficient in Javascript/Node.JS, C, and Python, as well as HTML/CSS/LESS/Markdown.
- Knowledgeable in Wordpress, PHP Ruby on Rails, ActiveRecord and Jekyll.
- Knowledgeable in MySQL, SQL, and MongoDB.
- Proficient in Photoshop and Blender 3D.
- proficient in Vim, experience in Emacs
- Proficient in Linux and Mac OS X, as well as Windows
Current projects
- Research and development work on a platform for curriculum generation that involves generation of a curriculum, organizing prerequisites for a subject and developing a study plan for the subject.
- An XML-based semantic markup language for rapid 3D prototyping using WebGL. Still in the heavy prototyping stage. Integration with the Oculus Rift SDK is planned (when I can afford one).
- Distributed networking architecture in NodeJS, for use in a hybrid meshnet-client-server approach. Involves a system which distributes data in a decentralized network of servers, which serve information to the client in the traditional client-server architecture. This project has been put on hold due to time, budget and experience constraints.
- Experience working with Raspberry PI and Arduino systems